Insects & Us


Insects & Us is an augmented reality story by director Kris Hofmann about the importance of insects to planetary health and our own wellbeing.

Observe crickets, dragonflies, butterflies, beetles, and ants make their simple, yet vital contributions to a functioning ecosystem, and listen to four scientists talk about why they matter and what can be done to help.

The project was first exhibited at Digital Art Space von Karin Wimmer in Germany in February 2022, and has been installed at the Silbersalz Science & Media Festival in Germany, Vilvite Science Centre in Norway, and the Wiener Forschungsfest in Austria. It has all been presented in the UK at The Photographers’ Gallery in London, Phoenix in Leicester and The Bug Farm in Pembrokeshire.


5 Eco-conscious exhibitions to visit in 2022, Impakter

Exhibition photos by Kris Hofmann.