A Language of Shapes

Producer - film & events

A fairytale about the microscopic world of dysentery. Based on the real life battle of scientists to find solutions to a global health problem.

In the film, Emi, a young girl with a stomach upset, enters the magical, microscopic world inside a zebrafish and aids the defenders of her cells to outwit the invading Shigella bacteria. At a time when there is increased anxiety around the viral attack on our cells by Coronavirus and Monkeypox, this enchanting fairytale film decodes and celebrates the research happening in The Mostowy Lab at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. In an accessible and engaging way it aims to convey cutting edge research about how our cells defeat invading pathogens, and how these scientific discoveries can improve wellbeing and save lives around the world.

The film has been presented at Einstein’s Garden at Green Man Festival, Imagine Science Film Festival in New York, and Sydney Science Fiction Film Festival, amongst others. It was presented at Bloomsbury Festival 2022 as a projection installation. (Photos of the projection by davidxgreen.com.)

A film by Samantha Moore, based on the research of the Mostowy Lab. Produced by Animate Projects and supported by a Wellcome Trust Research Enrichment Grant and by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.