The Debutante, Elizabeth Hobbs

The Debutante features in the 95th Oscars Shortlist

I am thrilled to share that Elizabeth Hobbs’ film The Debutante has been shortlisted for the Oscars’ Animated Short Film category and will advance to the next round of voting.

You can read the Academy’s announcement and discover the other shortlisted films here.

You can watch the making of here:

And read articles about the Oscar nominees here on Cartoon Brew, Variety, IndieWire, Animation Scoop and Zippy Frames.

Thanks to the jury of ANIMATOR Festival for awarding The Debutante the Golden Pegasus Grand Prize and qualifying the film for the Academy Awards. And big thanks to our supporters at the BFI and the Estate of Leonora Carrington, and to all of our cast and crew who made the film possible.

The Debutante is a film by Elizabeth Hobbs, produced by Animate Projects, with the support of the BFI, awarding funds from the National Lottery, and with thanks to the Estate of Leonora Carrington.